Uzo Snapshot 1 (6 14 2019 3 33 Pm)

By Julie Bennett, Marketing Communication Specialist

In today’s competitive climate, I thought it would be helpful to share how participating in an internship program can benefit a company as well as the intern. Let me explain.

Tasked with the important role of treating water for the energy industry, our company strongly believes in always looking ahead, whether that means in water treatment technology advancements, market trends, or even future talent. The energy industry is in constant flux, with operators on the hunt for faster, safer, more cost effective solutions to the water challenges they face in their day to day operations, all while being good stewards of the environment. This search for innovative solutions requires a creative, forward thinking team and we have found building that strong team is the first and most important step.

One of the tools we use to build a team that is passionate, driven and forward thinking is to participate in local internship programs.  We believe that getting a fresh perspective from the younger generation and learning how they think, how they view the industry and what they are learning in school, provides an opportunity for us to think outside the box. The interns are excited to gain exposure to their chosen field and we are thrilled to share it with them as we evaluate up-and-coming talent, expose young professionals to our brand, and create a work environment that benefits us both. It’s a perfect way to avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with making a hiring commitment without having a full picture of how that individual will fit in the company.

From the intern’s perspective, I felt it would be best to hear from an actual intern. See below for my brief interview with Uzochukwu Anwaegbu, also known as Uzo, a Senior at the University of Houston. Uzo is currently enjoying a great opportunity as a Chemical Engineer intern here at Water Standard (WS) and our produced water subsidiary, Monarch Separators (MS). Read on to see what Uzo has to say about his experience thus far.

Julie: Uzo, how did you end up in this internship at Water Standard / Monarch Separators?

Uzo: I met Eric Edmonds, Sr. Buyer at WS/MS, on the soccer field. After I had beat him in a one-on-one (yep, that’s what I said), we started talking about life, my goals and the direction I saw for my future. The conversation ended up on the topic of a potential internship at the company. Eric is definitely a good guy so I thought I should give it a shot and we started the process.

Julie: So, what are you studying and what is your objective with this internship?

Uzo: I’m studying Chemical Engineering at U of H – go Cougars! My hope is to apply the techniques I’m learning in school to real life applications to better understand the process and give me some experience working on real projects.

Julie: How has the experience been so far?

Uzo: The company has been so welcoming and has taken me in like family. I am learning so much about water treatment for the oil and gas industry. I did not realize how complex water can be and the amount of science there is behind treating it to safe standards for the environment. I have a passion for the environment, so the work has been very relevant and has opened my eyes to the efforts companies like Water Standard and Monarch Separators are putting forth to find safe, economical, yet effective solutions to the water treatment needs of operators. It’s been a beneficial and rewarding experience so far and I look forward to learning more.

Julie: Is it safe to say you would recommend internships, such as yours, for college students?

Uzo: Absolutely. Not only am I developing my engineering skills, I’m also learning about the day to day operations of a company that designs, engineers and fabricates their products. I’m seeing the whole process. I’m meeting established professionals, broadening my network, and taking in every minute of it.


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Water Standard
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